I found this article on
Katie J's blog and had to share. What a great idea this is! And you can bet Shorty and I will be working on our dream boards this week! I'll post pix when they're done.
Have you heard of a Dream Board? Also known as a “Vision Board” or “Treasure Map,” it’s a fun and creative step in your life or professional planning process. It is your unique visual blueprint of things you want in your life, or dreams that you want to come true.
Sample from Katie J's blog. |
The idea behind this inventive project is that whatever we think about or focus on, we can bring into our lives. If we put good things in front of us, high goals we’ve aspired to meeting, or even objects we have always wanted, we will attract them. Having a Dream Board helps you to clarify and focus on your dreams, then make them your reality!
Give yourself a moment to think of whatever it is you want in your personal or business life. Write your goals down, visualize, and affirm them. When dreams are to put in front of you, they flourish, and serve as a constant reminder of what you want to achieve.
Supplies You’ll Need:
- Poster board/oak tag
- Thumbtacks
- Glue
- Tape
- Glitter
- A photo or photos of yourself
- Magazines
- Ribbons
- Pens, markers
- Shells, leaves, or something from nature
- Scissors: straight edge and/or your favorite border design
- Crayons or colored pencils
- Few pieces of thick 8 1/2 x 11 paper
- Favorite rubber stamps.
- Anything else that calls to you!
7 Steps to Bringing your Dream Board to Life:
1. Start with your blank poster board, oak tag, or cork board.
2. In the center of your board put a picture of yourself that you really enjoy. If you are spiritual or religious, also place items that represent this above your picture.
3. Cut out pictures and words that symbolize your dreams; or draw pictures. Can’t draw perfectly? Try it anyway! (If I can, you can.) Put words, quotes, or captions under the pictures.
4. Bring all your dreams to your board. Here are the areas to consider as you create your board. Remember to be very specific and descriptive!
A. Life Vision Board: Personal Growth, Religious/Spiritual Growth, Relationships Family, Romance, Friends, Career & Business, Finance & Money, Play & Recreation, Health & Fitness, Physical Environment, etc.
B. Business Vision Board: Your Office, Staff, Bank Account, Client Results, Products, Retirement, Accolades, Philanthropy Efforts, etc
5. Go for it!! Enjoy it!! Have fun with it!!
6. Tack it on the wall. As your dreams continue to grow (or change), keep adding to it.
7. Spend a few moments in front of it before you start your day, and make it the last thing you look at before you go to sleep!
- Getting the whole family creating dream boards or create a family board! Learn more here
- Creating a business or career dream board.
Keep in mind that as you bring your dreams to action, doors will open in many directions, not all of which suit your ultimate goal. You may find some things you should say “no” to, or come across unexpected terrific alternatives that you hadn’t imagined. It’s important to watch out for what the world brings us, signs of its plans, and the possibility of better things. So start dreaming!
Special thanks to my first coach Edie Peirera-Hulbert, author Susan Ban Breathnach, and the 4T Prosperity Program at Unity Church for teaching about these concepts and helping me put them into good use.
This article was first published in 2000. Since then Mark Victor Hansen has done a PBS special that included information on Vision Boards — same thing as a dream board. Also this software was created for Business Owners/Professionals or for MLM’s and helps you create a miniature version of a dream board, small enough to carry around.
© 2010 Elevating Your Business. Maria Marsala helps remarkable women CEOs get a life and future from their business by providing accountability, support and a (gentle) kick in the a$$ when needed. Quickly learn which areas of your business scream for your immediate attention and which areas deserve a hurrah! Take our Business Checkup today at www.CoachMaria.com
I absolutely believe in the power of dream boards. I use mine as my background on my Twitter page & my pc desktop wallpaper so that I see it throughout my day and keep my goals front in center in my mind! Dream. Believe. Achieve. is my motto and I am proof that dreaming big dreams and chasing after them with everything you have WORKS! :)