Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 7 of SSDDD Challenge

I'm hungry this morning. For a brief moment of time, I'm feeling sorry for myself. I ate really good this week, drank a lot and lost 7.6 lbs. That's GREAT! But I worked hard on it. And now I'm thinking Ugh! I have to do that again? And again and again? I know it's lack of self-control that got me here and it's gonna take a LOT of self-control to get me back. But for the past 5 minutes, I've been sulking about it.

Anyway, moving on. My munchkin is home sick today which means a day that I'm home all day. Those days make me nervous... especially with a counter full of cookies from last nights' cookie exchange. But I've convinced myself I don't want to try any of them because I don't know how sanitary people's kitchens were when they baked 'em. I'm a bit of a germ freak so the thought of someone using dirty hands or sneezing on my food just grosses me out. In fact, that's why I don't eat out much. It's a really gross thought!

I look in the mirror and don't see any changes. You'd think losing almost 8 lbs there would be some difference. But than again, on a 320+ lb person, 8 pounds isn't that big of a deal. My hope and prayer is just that the droppage of weight stays consistent. I need this! And yah, it may be a lot of work and some times of much hunger, but the end result will be worth it.

So I just got my new numbers for the week. Well, not really new because the numbers stayed the same. But anyway, since I'm eating "at goal", then I need to consume 188 ounces of water each day to accompany my daily caloric intake of 1,760. And just so you know, those are my numbers. Please don't copy my numbers because those are specially calculated for me. Each person is different. If you want to get your own numbers and join in the next phase of this challenge in January, head on over to ALLAN's blog and sign up with him. It's a lot of work.... but what lifestyle change isn't?!?!

My plan for the day is to clean my entire apartment. We have a friend coming to spend the night Wednesday after our Christmas dessert at church. I want to make sure everything is clean and orderly when she comes over and I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, so might as well get it done today! Eating wise, I'm gonna go make myself a breakfast quesedilla with some hot chocolate. Lunch will probably be a lean cuisine and a salad. Dinner will probably be a black bean burger on a whole wheat bun and some broth/soup.

Have a happy Monday!


  1. I weighed 415 pounds on May 1st or so of this year. I followed your plan, every day, without fail. It is 209 days later, a fart in my life, 7 months or so. I weigh under 250 today. You have to do it, you can do it, and you will....

  2. Good idea to clean you whole apartment since you're home. I gotta get packing for the move. On the 28th! Can't believe it was so sudden. We'll be doing the same thing! ;P
