Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It Felt So Good, So I Did It Again!!!

I really enjoyed the feeling of accomplishment I had today... I ate much better than I have been AND exercised! I felt great! So, as I sat on the couch an hour ago to watch The Biggest Loser, I decided to go for one more workout. While they were doing their stepping challenge, I got my stepper out and did one too. I made it 12 minutes without taking a break. I lost count after 150 but I'm sure I did much more than that. What a great way to end the night! I'm already sore but I'm very much in love with this feeling and want to do it all over again tomorrow! :-)


  1. That is wonderful. Reading your post cheered me up since I'm unable to exercise. You are my 180th follower. I'd like to send you a little thank you gift. Just email me your contact info and I'll send it off.

    Thank you for following me.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. That's awesome, congrats! I haven't exercised in forever. Perhaps it's time that I get up off the couch soon too.

  4. And you are coming on board ???? Ya should, I need the flava....OMG, I said that...

  5. Good job! That's so awesome, very excited for you. It's an amazing feeling, you've just gotta hold onto it!!! Keep it up :)
